The aim of the study is to examine the effect of corporate social responsibility on organizational performance. The population comprises of two thousand seven hundred (2700) workforces. The questionnaires were issued to one hundred and fifty (150) respondents which formed the sample size. The samples were drawn using stratified and simple random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using frequency tables and percentages method. The formulated hypotheses were tested using chi-square (x2) analysis based on 0.05 levels of significance.
It was revealed that effective corporate social responsibility enhances organizational performance. lt was discovered in the study that corporate social responsibility breeds cordial relationship between the organisation and members of the community. The study also shows that corporate social responsibility helps in retaining customers' patronage toward company's products. lt was also revealed in the study that the organization assists in enhancing health services in the host community. The company does not engage in awarding scholarship to members of the community. Corporate social responsibility creates a good image and reputation for the organization. Members of the community were satisfied with the services rendered by the company.
It was recommended that management should try to be effective in the rendering of social responsibility. The organization should be a good corporate citizen in the discharge of duties. This would go a long way to create a good cordial relationship with members of the community. Management of organizations should be strategic when it comes to corporate social responsibility. They should involve in activities that will enriched the lives of the people in the community. Organization operating in an environment should try as much as possible to give something tangible to the community for it to survive. Management of business organization should endeavour to make provision for members of the community to avoid conflicting issues from occurring.